Monday, January 5, 2009

Hooray for 2009!

There were 4 referrals given out today!! That's right.....FOUR!! 2 were for infant girls and 2 were infant boys! Still very exciting!! :) I was pouring over our list to count and re-count where we are in if it would change by counting it 3 times!! I'm pretty sure we are securely in the 18th spot now! There's a few families asking specifically for sibling groups or an older child and an infant, but I'm kinda not counting them! Maybe I should, but their wait might be longer since they are asking for 2 kids. ANYWAY, it sounds better to me to be 18 than 20! :) I was so excited when I read that there were 4 referrals!! I just started crying & crying! Thank you God for answering our prayers today! The families who were referred the infant girls have been waiting for 11 months!!! I am so happy for them! So......keep on coming referrals!!! We're ready!