Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Some Details

I'm not much of a writer, so whoever reads this, please bear with me! :) i just wanted to give a little run-down on what's been going on with Josue and I lately. We decided last summer to adopt. We had been trying to get pregnant, but felt God leading us in the direction of adoption. It is something we had talked about before we got married & knew we would do some day. Well, God said "Now is the time!" So, here we are. That is definately the condensed version, and some day I will write all that happened to bring us(me) to that point, but it would take too long now! :) So, we knew we were going to adopt, but from where & through what agency? We thought about Guatemala first, because Josue is Guatemalan. But the US is pretty much stopping adoptions from Guatemala. We prayed & asked God "where" & "through what agency?" & "domestic or intenational?" We definately felt called to international though. We are already an international family, so why not?! :) Seriously though, countries usually have requirements for parents and we did not fit many of those. Ethiopia had less strict restrictions & had been at the top of our list. I think God was just nudging us. Until one day I went for a walk & realized...My child is in Ethiopia!!!! If I could have ran there, I would have! I had such an overwhelming feeling of sureness. It fits us & we are soooooooo excited about this! Already we feel so blessed that God is using this beautiful way to build our family. We're almost done with our "paperchasing"!! We've had a successful Home Study, which is exactly what it sounds like. :) A study of our home! :) And a study of us, as well. The Agency that we are using is America World Adoption Association. They have been really great! Really helpful whenever we need it. Our whole experience so far has been wonderful. So, here we are waiting for our I-171H. I'll probably talk about this alot. I really don't know how long it will take to get. And unfortunately, I have gotten the form back in the mail not once....but TWICE already! The first time I overpaid & the second I had forgotten to fill in the line that I had been married 0 times before! I almost cried when I got it the second time. So i really have no idea how long until this comes! Pray it comes quickly! I hope this catches everyone up a bit! Now, I just need to figure out how to upload pictures on here......

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