Thursday, November 20, 2008

30.18.5. Party

So on Saturday we had a Party/Fundraiser for our adoption. My sisters threw a party for Jen's 30th birthday, Katie's 18th birthday, and our 5th anniversary. Hence the name of the party....30 18 5! It was a fantastic night! We had a great time & I hope everyone else did too! Josue and I are overwhelmed at the support from our family and friends!! God has blessed us beyond what we could ever imagine! We want to thank everyone who helped get things ready, baked cookies, made food, drove from Michigan(to sleep on the floor!) and let us borrow tables and chairs. But there are no words to thank everyone who gave so generously!! Our fees for the adoption were raised as of Nov. 1 by about $5,000. This is because of the price of food and other supplies for the kids being taken care of in Ethiopia. So we need to pay an extra $3750 by January 19. We were not expecting this, so we were concerned about this extra payment. Well, God is truly amazing!!!! Our friends and family gave us $3000! What a blessing. I still get teary eyed writing about it! So thank you, everyone. Thank you for your obedience to our Father. It means more than you know. Here are some pictures from the pary....Enjoy!!
Here is our house before!

Josue getting things ready

.The weather outside was not what we were expecting! We wanted the party to be outside, but it was so cold & snowy!

Mom, Josue, & Beth

.Learning to play Bunco with the Wolfe's.

Jen and her Peeps playin' Speed Scrabble.

So cute!! Luke, Levi & Carter wearing their Ethiopia shirts! Our baby already has friends waiting for him (or her)!

Sarah!! Thanks for all you help! You're my friend too, not just Beth's! :)

Amy & Rachel, you guys are the best! They baked 4 dozen cookies each for people to munch on!

The best form of entertainment is toddlers!

Yes everyone, be jealous! My brother can dance like Snoopy. He's just that good.
My Fantastic Family. We still look good after a long day!
By the way, for anyone reading this.....We have T-Shirts for sale if you want to help us with our Adoption costs. We just ask for a donation. Whatever God lays on your heart. We appreciate everyone willing to help us bring our baby home! Peace!

1 comment:

Ink blot. said...

It was a pretty good party, huh?! It was fun and it was great to catch up with people! I was also glad to meet everyone who is in Jackie and Josue's life, who support them so much! Thanks to everyone who came out despite the weather!! Happy Thanksgiving!