Thursday, April 30, 2009

Court Date

I have very exciting news!! Yesterday we received an email from AWAA telling us that our court date is May 12!!! Now, I was not expecting to have a court date until the end of May AT THE VERY EARLIEST!!! I am shocked and amazed that God has graciously given us this date! There are many other families that have been waiting longer than us, who have court dates at the end of May. I feel a little guilty that we got one so soon! But, God has perfect timing. And there is also no guarantee that we will pass court the first time. There are many factors going on here! Please be praying for us! There have been alot of power outages in Ethiopia right now. There have been times judges have not made it to work, or have not had time to see cases. There's just too many variables to say it's a slam dunk done deal!!! We have not been given our Tentative travel dates yet, but I expect them soon! Our email said to expect travel anywhere from 2-4 weeks after our court date!!! THAT IS SOON!!! We are going to be VERY busy in the next few weeks! :):):) PRAISE GOD!! I will post more as soon as I know anything!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Today is the Day.....

WOW. I can't believe this day finally came. We got our referral!!!! Praise God! At 11:34 am today we got our referral call! I screamed when I saw the caller id! Just last night my friend, Kristy, told me to set a different ringer specifically for our agency's number! And it was a great idea!!! As soon as I heard that ring it was aaallllll over for me! Although I didn't cry as much as I thought! I screamed. ALOT. Little crying. Alot of screaming. :):):) We conferenced Josue in and Terra told us the info she had on him. He is 10 months old, healthy, beautiful!! I had to wait until Josue got home from work to look at his picture. Luckily he got to leave early! :) We opened that email & looked at our baby's face!!! WOOOOWWW!!!!!!!! He is gorgeous! He's healthy, big beautiful brown eyes, bottom teeth, curly hair, chubby cheeks!!! I'm in love. Head over Heels!! I don't even know what to say!!! Awesome. Just awesome. I can't post pictures or any info on him until everything is finalized in court. Sorry!!! You will have to see his cuteness at a later time! We have an appointment tomorrow in Columbus with an International Doctor to go over his medical report. But everything looks healthy & Terra said he has the healthiest report she's ever seen! I'm just so happy! I don't even know what else to say! :):):):)

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Still waiting.......

A whole week and a half still at #3!!!! This is the longest in about 5 weeks that we have stayed at one number! *sigh* I'm really feeling the wait. More importantly I am thinking about our baby! I'm wondering if he's healthy? How did he get to the orphanage? How is he handling all these different & new things in his life? Moving from orphanage to the Transition Home, getting medical tests, adjusting to nannies? This child is on my mind 24/7!! I feel so distracted while I'm at work! :) But, everytime I think of him I pray for him! And I pray that God will direct my thoughts & prayers to pray specifically for what he needs. So please keep praying, friends!!! Pray for this child as he experiences loss and transitions! Pray for peace in his little heart & health for his body! And then pray that we will see his face soon! :)

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

We are sooooo close!!

We are getting so close to our referral! We are now # 3!!! And yesterday we got our "on deck" email from our agency! Which basically means we are "officially" close to getting our referral! :) We could get our call anytime now! WOW. I can't believe it. Josue and I finished our Hague training last night. Nothing like cutting it close! It had to be done before we could get a referral! Haaha! The month of March absolutely FLEW by & all of a sudden....we're #3! So we hustled and watched a bajillion hours of training ! Okay, it was more like 10 hours, but close enough!!! :) After each video we had to take a quiz. It was informative, but a little boring. But we are bring on the referral!!!!!!! :) Now I need to keep calm everytime the phone rings!!!