Wednesday, April 1, 2009

We are sooooo close!!

We are getting so close to our referral! We are now # 3!!! And yesterday we got our "on deck" email from our agency! Which basically means we are "officially" close to getting our referral! :) We could get our call anytime now! WOW. I can't believe it. Josue and I finished our Hague training last night. Nothing like cutting it close! It had to be done before we could get a referral! Haaha! The month of March absolutely FLEW by & all of a sudden....we're #3! So we hustled and watched a bajillion hours of training ! Okay, it was more like 10 hours, but close enough!!! :) After each video we had to take a quiz. It was informative, but a little boring. But we are bring on the referral!!!!!!! :) Now I need to keep calm everytime the phone rings!!!

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